Monday, July 22, 2013

What is Levator Syndrome and What Causes Levator Syndrome?

Most people have never heard of levator syndrome, let alone know what it is and how to recognize it, but it is something that a colorectal surgeon will see regularly.  If you are at all concerned about symptoms you are experiencing, then there are many colorectal specialists within the Los Angeles area, including the nearby Beverly Hills and Santa Monica.  If you are suffering from pain or other symptoms, then levator syndrome may be the cause – read on to find out more.

Levator Syndrome – What causes It?

Levator syndrome is also known by the names levator ani syndrome and proctodynia, so if your Los Angeles specialist has used one of these terms to describe your condition, don’t worry – they all mean the same thing.  The condition develops when the levator ani muscle spasms, or contracts sharply and rapidly for no apparent reason.  This muscle is located in the lower part of the pelvis, and it surrounds both the coccyx (commonly known as the tailbone) and the rectum.  The muscle spasms, which can be intensely painful at times, will usually be felt just above the anus, in the region known as the rectum.

As your surgeon will be able to confirm, many people in Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and Los Angeles suffer from the symptoms of levator syndrome; it is a relatively common condition.  However, the causes are not well understood, and we do not yet know why the muscle spasms develop in some people but not in others.

While it is highly unlikely that an exact cause for your levator syndrome symptoms will be found, there are a number of things that are known to aggravate the condition and lead to more intense pain.  Spending a considerable portion of the day sitting down can lead to an increase in pressure around the rectal area, which will often cause a dull, aching sensation at first.  Sometimes, the pain may not be noticeable until you move, especially if you have been sitting for a long period of time, which may lead to temporary numbness and loss of sensation.  Upon moving around, this sensation will return to normal, and the pain may be felt.

Other potential causes of the pain can include:

  • Poor posture, particularly if you tend to slouch, regardless of whether you are sitting or standing at the time.
  • High levels of stress can also be a factor, although it is not understood how this actually plays a role in the condition.

Some people will find that they experience a dull aching of the muscles in the rectal area, which may be persistent, and present almost constantly.  Others, however, will experience a short, sharp pain instead.

How will Levator Syndrome Affect Me?

If your Beverly Hills, Santa Monica or Los Angeles-based colorectal specialist has diagnosed you with levator syndrome, then there are some steps you will need to take in order to reduce your symptoms and prevent the onset of the pain.

Firstly, though, you will need to get a definitive diagnosis.  This can be done by your local colorectal surgeon, who will speak to you about your symptoms, take a medical history and perform a physical examination.  The presence of the aches and sharp pains are both highly suggestive of levator syndrome, especially if the pain is relieved when you have a bowel movement.  This is because emptying the bowel will relieve some of the pressure in the area, enabling the muscle that is responsible (the levator ani muscle) to relax slightly.  The muscle will feel tender when examined, which is also highly suggestive of the condition.

Once you have a diagnosis, you will be able to make some changes that will hopefully reduce your symptoms.  Try to spend less time sitting down.  If you have a desk job and need to be seated for the majority of the day, then make sure you get up at regular intervals and move around, even if you just walk round the office and then return to your seat.  Check your posture too.  Your doctor should be able to give you some advice on how to sit so that you are not putting as much pressure on the area.  If you need to support your lower back with a cushion or padding to hold you in the right position, then do this.

Can Levator Syndrome be Treated?

As with many conditions, levator syndrome is easier to prevent than to treat.  However, treatments are available, and whether you have chosen a colorectal surgeon in Santa Monica, Beverly Hills or the city of Los Angeles itself, you will be able to discuss your treatment options and decide how you want to proceed.

You may be thinking that muscle relaxant medications would be a good option, but unfortunately they have very little effect on the levator ani muscle.  While they may sometimes be useful for relieving pain on a temporary basis, they are not effective as a long term solution.  Instead, massage is used to relax the muscle and relieve the tension that is present.  This needs to be done by your doctor.  This treatment should be carried out once a week for several weeks in order to be effective, and this treatment program will cure approximately half of all patients.  Further treatment options are available if this is unsuccessful.

Seeking Further Advice and Treatment

If you are in Los Angeles or the surrounding areas, and think you may be suffering from the symptoms of levator syndrome, then you should book an appointment with your local colorectal surgeon.  This will mean that your diagnosis can be made, and you will be able to proceed with treatment, relieving your symptoms.  However, booking the appointment is the first step, and you need to select your surgeon before you are able to do this.